In this section of Sartre’s conversations with Beauvoir, they talk about various forms of culture -- art, music, theatre, travel -- and how they have influenced Sartre’s view of the world. There are no chapters, per se, but rather breaks in the conversation.
He refused a Nobel prize because he didn’t want to be seen as equal to others such as Hemmingway, and he disagreed with the concept of a prize being seen as designation of greatness, as if to imply that he wasn’t as great the year before.
Beauvoir also spends a great deal asking Sartre about his male friendships and why, one by one, they were broken. Sartre always seemed to prefer the company of women, but did have some genuine male companions along the way, Camus perhaps being among the most well-known. Sartre himself states, “There has always been a strong reason behind my breaks, but in the end it was always I who made the decision to part.”
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