Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I was a bit tentative when I picked up this book by Adam Segal. The tagline is "How American Innovation Can Overcome the Asian Challenge". In an election year, anything that hints of political territory can put me on edge, but I set aside my own assumptions and read it anyway.

 My first and perhaps most important observation is that Advantage is very hopeful. Instead of listing all the problems with the West or the East, Segal focuses on how and why America should be breeding innovation, mostly scientific, in order to save us from our own economic crisis. I am in no way a science buff, but my husband is in physics, so it provided me a bit of a personal connection to the topic.

 I took so many notes that I wanted to share here, but the play I was in kept me too busy to post, and the notes have since disappeared. I may not recommend the book to everyone just because of the subject matter itself, but if you have any interest in political science or research and development, you should read this book, and soon.

Rating - 3

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