Friday, May 11, 2012

Adventure Capitalist

Here is another book where the wording of the tagline can make or break the interest of the potential reader: "The Ultimate Investor's Road Trip". To clarify, this is about the road trip that the ultimate investor made, not about road tripping for investors.
I love this book! It's easy for me to enjoy a book about traveling especially when it's a first-hand account of someone who actually spends time in places, getting to know the locals and understanding their culture as much as possible. Jim Rogers is an investor (duh) who decided to drive around the world in three years with his new wife (married during the trip) and a very beastly looking yellow Mercedes.
Because of his background as an investor, and a very successful one at that, Rogers was able to view the world from that perspective. His writing style is exciting, he has very diverse tastes, and he has very strong opinions. I don't necessarily agree with all the conclusions he makes, but his expertise definitely makes one pay attention.

Rating - 4/5

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