Monday, February 21, 2011

Admissions pt. 1

After my third book, I haven’t yet gotten tired of this subject. Admissions is a novel by Nancy Lieberman about the private school admissions process for New York City children. One of our heroins, once again, is an admissions officer, what is beginning to seem a largely female career. As much as I want to punch some of the people in the book, I’m still enjoying it.

This may not be a book for purely casual readers though. The first chapter is 74 pages long. Engaging, but not a quick read. The story follows two plot lines. Helen, mother of 8th grader Zoe, is trying to get her daughter admitted into a good high school, a process which is extremely stressful. Sara, is the admissions officer for The School, the K-8 institution which Zoe currently attends.

Something dark and devious is happening with The School's headmistress Pamela, but I'm not sure what that is yet. There are questions of missing funds and her relationship with one of the teachers, and no one is quite sure of the details of her past. Helen is having inappropriate thoughts about one of the single fathers she's recently met, and I'm hoping that doesn't get out of hand.

Now playing: Aaron Goldberg - OAM's Blues
via FoxyTunes

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