Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. Diet!

I have no close contact with anyone diagnosed with A.D.D. or A.D.H.D., so it's hard for me to relate to what sufferers and their loved ones experience. This book by Rachel Bell and Dr. Howard Peiper takes a brief look at how nutrition can exacerbate or relieve the symptoms associated with A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. Yes, I said "symptoms". This book isn't trying to assert some cure-all.

It's a short book, but a lot of information! The layout and structure seem to be A.D.D. friendly, which is nice. The unfortunate part, as Bell and Peiper stress, is that every person is different, and in order to find the perfect diet, one may have to try a million different things. It could be a matter of upping the foods that naturally contain B6 and tryptophan, or it may merely be a food allergy. What instantly and magically works for some, will never work for others. I can only assume that it's worth it.

A couple of interesting quotes:
"To be addicted is to be allergic" - Dr. R. Glen Green, M.D., C.M.
"As a normal occurrence, babies are born with leaky gut (food particles passing through the intestinal wall into the blood stream)."

Chew on those statements. Due to the nature of this book and its specific audience I can only recommend it to the people to whom it applies.


Now playing: Trombone Shorty and Orleans Ave. - Bonita (Improvised)
via FoxyTunes

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