Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"A" is for Aboltion

Usually, if I go to the library and a book has been checked out already, I just move on, but this time I had to wait for it to come back because this author cannot be skipped.

This book would be particularly interesting for educators. Like many of his “books”, The Abolition of Man is a collection of C.S. Lewis’ lectures, here addressing the issue of education and the way in which modern teaching styles remove from their pupils certain universal values, thereby creating a society of people who have been stripped of virtue and still expected to function honorably and creatively.

Though a short read, this is not a light read or what many call a "pleasure read." I give it a 3, but only for those who already have an interest in Lewis' oral style.

It seems I can't get away from the topic of contraceptives yet, so here's a quote from the book: “And as regards contraceptives, there is a paradoxical, negative sense in which all possible future generations are the patients or subjects of a power wielded by those already alive. By contraception simply, they are denied existence; by contraception used as a means of selective breeding, they are, without their concurring voice, made to be what one generation, for its own reasons, may choose to prefer. From this point of view, what we call Man’s power over Nature turns out to be a power exercised by some men over other men with Nature as its instrument.”

Right on, man.

Now playing: Fee - All Because Of Jesus
via FoxyTunes

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