Friday, December 4, 2009

Above the Law finale

I'm so glad I'm not in law enforcement. Life is so much simpler this way. I've been reading the rest of Above the Law during commercials for the final episode of Monk so I'm in a full-on police mood.

The middle section of this book discusses what the authors think cause police officers to use brutality in their positions. One theory they use is that police are considered soldiers in a "war on crime" and also that the police administrators are either crooked or just narrow-minded.

Finally, they suggest that police be made more accountable by both external and internal factors.

I have to include that this book was written in 1993 and many things have changed since then. ALSO, I am incredibly ignorant where law enforcement is concerned because I've never been close to it on either side. I'm neither knowledgeable or particularly interested in this topic. If you ARE interested in police work, you may get more out of this book than I did.

I give it a 2.

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